This is a very well thought out article. Pointing out how difficult it is to land your first job was a very critical component of this peice. I think there is a preconceived idea, that landing a developer role should be easy, it’s not. Honestly, securing a developer position as a rookie was a large hurdle to clear. It’s a tough road, for 4 years I receive many emails from companies whom which I applied for their Jr. Developer position, justifying that I did not get the job. It can be extremely discouraging if you allow these types of email to defeat you. Trust me, I have been there and done that. However, the best advice I was given is keeping your mind healthy while continuing to improve your coding skills and keep plugging away at interviews. This mentorship was a key ingredient to surviving the first job roadblock. Always remember programmers….never give up. Additionally, I did enjoy how the article shines on the topic of choosing an alternative route for developers through freelancing, technical writing and other potential side hustle that can be at a developers disposal. Great job on the article.