What does it mean to be scared of failing to reach your goals in 2022?

The Marfol Opinion
5 min readMar 6, 2022


We have many aspirations to accomplish goals that our hearts want to spend time and energy building. Some people have goals to be athletes, writers, engineers, doctors, teachers, business owners etc. Once people have their heart set on something, well in this case….a goal they want to achieve, they have an all in attitude to reach the climax. Sounds as if you are in fairy tale right? It should! I would say thats pretty normal. However, the true nature of a human being trying to achieve their goals is going through a state of fear! A fear failure, dissappointment, lack of believe from others, and even worse quitting and dealing with permanent heartbreak from not achieving what you want in life. The fear of not achieving a goal, is normal but continuing on in your journey when you have that fear is part of the ride and how you respond to that fear will determine your fate! However, do not let that Past sentence fool you! Trust me! you if you want it that badly and your mind and heart is in it! you can accomplish alot out there!

Fairy Tale Stage

Discovering our goals and having something to strive for is an exciting thought. We often start thinking of what can be the possiblities as a result of accomplshing that goal. We also think about how it will feel to succeed as a result of working hard and finishing our goals before moving on to the next passionate idea that transforms into another goal. As a result of having a goal and plan, we gain confidence that gives us purpose , omits the empty feeling of not having dreams and re-examine our self-worth. As we go through the steps of what we are capable of executing to achieving our goals, we also get caught up in the preception “we have to do it right this second and accomplish it tomorrow”. This is just from living in a world were instant gratification penarates everything in our minds and daily lives. Like my grandmother use to say “Its normal but unhealthy to add instant graditifcation to our dreams/goals”. Now that does not take away from understanding that having urgency when doing a task can be a imperative tool when you need to use it.

photo by Ave Calvar Martinez

As we plan for our goals we do understand that it takes work and time to feasiblity sort all the steps and the so called “ what if’s” in our planned journey to reach our goals. Once we have our plan in place for our goals, its time to attack step 1. We have an apprehensive mind and body diving in because the hardest part of goal, is getting started and maintaining the self-believe that we will do well along the way. Now that we are in the steps of our goal. We see that its taking a while on the journey and we face roadblocks. This where our minds and hearts become challeged because of the possible adversity in front our eyes.

The adversity and fear within goals stage

While we still feel confident about our goal, there is still that fear of failure and how we will jump certain hurdles within our journey of the goal. In the back of our minds we still try our hardest to forget failure during the Fairy tale stage! but its still remains a mystery. We do get afraid of the failure senerio, the mental pain we possibly will feel when we run that scene in our minds. That scene makes our palms sweat and our hearts race faster than the daytona 500. We do try to forget about it, we understand it may come soon, or it make come later, but at some point it is coming. It’s not negative thing for failure to happen when trying to succeed at your goals, the “secret key” is “what you do when it does happen”. You can get and keep pushing like a champion with fear in the back of your mind and face it when it comes, or your you crumble up like a cake and dessipate in thin air holding on to hearbreak that the goal was give up on in your mind.

Adversity comes in all forms and it will strike at some point. It does not matter if you are the best or the worst at what you do, it will come. As this relates to our goals, we have to find a way to prepare our minds to fight adversity and keep punching it on the ground when it challenges us in our journey of accomplishing our goals/dreams. when we find a way to get through that pain and suffering that adversity wants to inflict on us, our minds come along for the ride, the storm clears in our heads and we become more confident for the next challenge that comes our way in our journey.

Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev

Finishing Stage

Now that you have overcome your challenges you are near the end of your journey and can taste your accomplishment of your goal. you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, the finish line, the checkered flag etc! Hold on! this does not mean you let off the gas! it means that you turn of the up the heat! and finish strong. How is this done? you remain focus on what the goal is and what you are suppose to do daily to achieve your goal. Following the latter steps of the goal are just as important as going through the growing pains of your journey. You must undertand that this needs to be finished the right way and at 100%! If you read this article and can understand the importance of your journey, then you have and idea of what the experience of goals can do for your life and your future!



The Marfol Opinion
The Marfol Opinion

Written by The Marfol Opinion

We write about technology, contemporary issues, sports and fitness

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